The Marine Facilities Planning system (MFP) is a NIOZ/NERC software development collaboration designed to integrate the different aspects of equipment management and ship programming, to streamline and integrate the process of delivering science cruises.
The MFP comprises a number of different modules designed to work as an integrated system or used as independent modules. The integrated system can be used as a complete system for voyage planning, equipment management, and cruise project delivery. Its modular design is able to be adjusted to each organisations specific requirements and scope of operation from large Global Class fleets to single regional vessels.
The MFP is available for use by other institutions and organisations internationally and we would be pleased to discuss your requirements and interest in accessing the system
Marine Facilities Planning platforms:
The ability to maintain detailed records on all assets, tasks, procedures, suppliers, inventory, purchases, budgets, tools, scheduled and unscheduled maintenance, calibrations, certifications and much more. The system enables you to know exactly where your equipment is, where it has been, where it will be and if it is fit to use.
This is the dedicated module for registered scientists where applications for ship time and equipment can be managed. Scientists request an account through a simple online registration process, and once the account is set up the scientist can complete an online application for access to ships and equipment. When a new application is created an individual workflow will be generated with a unique identifier. The workflow identifies a series of steps and responsibilities that will guide the scientist through the process from application stage to post-cruise reporting.
When a scientist sets up a new application, the application with its unique identifier is visible in a project management module showing an overview of applications, which shows the current stage of the application. The administrator can appoint specific roles to users for the various steps in the project workflow. When a step is completed the status of the step changes to finished, and the next steps in the project will now be active. When the cruise is added to the cruise program, deadlines and dates will be generated automatically for certain steps in the workflow, these deadlines and action dates can be specified by the individual organisations to fit their specific requirements.
The VPT is able to create multiple draft programs in parallel covering the same time period. A voyage within the programme can be created by adding mobilisation, demobilization or mid cruise port calls during the voyage. Cruise applications created in the science portal can be added to this voyage using a drag and drop function. Cruises or other activities within the programme can be specified as ‘Science’, ‘Charter’ ‘barter’, ‘trials’, ‘Refit’ etc.
The Marine Facilities Planning Software is a joint NIOZ, NERC and Maas Software Engineering project that could also be made available to other users. If you are interested to find out what this software could do for your organisation, please fill out the form below.